The Right Mouse Collection

Cheesy Images, No Frivolous "Tokens"

Welcome to the Right Mouse Hole in the Wall

A paradise for vermin!

Located right here in your browser, anyone can enjoy their Right Mouse of choice for no cost.

Hosted on any device that saves images.


Every mouse is the right mouse.

No item can be truly rare as long as it is infinitely replicable. Digital images like a Right Mouse are no exception

Frequently Asked Questions

What is going on here?

I am making fun of NFTs and Cryptocurrencies, as well as their proponents. Mostly Lazy Lions.


Please get comfortable, this may take a while.

What is an NFT?

An NFT or Non-Fungible Token is a piece of data on a cryptocurrency blockchain. This data claims ownership of a digital image by an individual person.

How can someone be the sole owner of an image that’s free to view and download?

They really can’t, but the blockchain lets them pretend.

Why does every explanation make me more confused?

Because this whole racket makes no sense.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency, or crypto, is a digital alternative to fiat currency (Government-issued real money) built on a technology called Blockchain and a flawed understanding of what gives money value.

What are Blockchains?

A group of digital bank ledgers that power cryptocurrency and NFTs. Blockchains are decentralized, and maintained by "Miners". The mining of Blockchains worldwide consumes more electricity than some first-world countries.

Why do these look bad?

All NFTs look bad.

Did you try?

It's clear as day I tried multiple times harder than CryptoPunks. Stay mad.

Why Right Mouse?

It’s the button you press to save an NFT to your computer.

Why must you mock this tool that helps artists?

If you actually believe that, I implore you to cope, seethe, and touch grass. From the bottom of my heart, I also hope that you can one day change your tune and turn your life around.


Art, Concept, Site Design, Social Media

Verified Dumb Sucker:

All NFT Purchasers

© Never CR4YCR4Y

CR4YCR4Y respects no part of NFTs, nor the blockchain. Consequently, those utilizing these technologies are fools. All images and information on this site should be reproduced, transmitted, and copied. It’s actually impossible to stop you.

I’d call NFTs a scam if they weren’t just money laundering. Why do baseball cards need to run on coal? If you own an NFT, you could be doing philanthropy. Stop being useless. Get off Twitter. Maybe donate to help actual lions in Africa. As of writing this, there are fewer lions on the planet than there are on the blockchain. It’s a serious problem. Vitalik Buterin has a punchable face. If you're offended I'm glad. Send hate mail to so I can laugh at you. Better yet, send money to a wildlife charity, it’s clear that you’ve got it.